Your local veterinarian may have warned you about it, but alas, it has finally come: winter is finally upon us, along with the freezing temperatures and blistering cold winds. As much as we are vulnerable, our dogs and other pets will also suffer the same fate, given that they may certainly not be equipped with the jackets and coats that we have around us. Yes, they have fur covering their bodies and some dogs may be designed to survive the winter cold, but they certainly need to keep warm all throughout the season. With that said, how can you actually do so?
First step: provide a proper sleeping area
A veterinarian would always advise dog owners to always provide a sleeping area for a dog during times of great cold. However, what qualifies as a “proper sleeping area”?
- A large dog bed with cushions and extra blankets. Your dog's regular bed may work during the winter, but ensure that you are able to provide extra blankets and cushions in order to give extra warmth.
- Letting the dog sleep and rest in carpeted areas near the fireplace and heater would also be a feasible way of keeping warm, but be sure to protect them from direct exposure given that burns are bound to happen if you don't do so.
- Let it sleep on the couch or your own bed once in a while. Though it may not exactly be favorable on the part of your furniture, it will certainly relieve your dog of the stress caused by cold.
By doing the above mentioned methods, it will not only keep your dog warm, but it will also encourage physical activities, thus avoiding the complications brought about by obesity and lazy behavior. It will also lessen the pain and discomfort brought about by the symptoms of canine arthritis. Add the fact that it will make your dog happy.
Second step: provide and change water often
Although ironic, veterinarians say that one of the ways in keeping your dogs warm is to simply provide them with ample water and remember to change the contents every few hours or as soon as the water bowl's contents get cold. Obviously, water gets cold and freezes quickly during winter and letting your dog drink cold water will certainly lower body temperature, making them vulnerable to cold. This also applies to dog food – as much as possible, feed dry dog food during winter, as the wet ones get cold pretty quickly.
Third step: Outdoor and post-outdoor tips
Most dogs love playing in the snow and we can't help but let them go outdoors once in a while. With that said, remember to do the following in order to prevent a complications that may arise:
- Though dog coats and boots may seem useless and be more of a waste, it actually proves to have some sort of use, given that it allows the dogs to keep warm during the outside excursion. Aside from coats, you must also provide boots so as to not let snow get stuck on the foot-pads.
- Be sure to brush off all of the snow before letting the dog enter. After which, be sure to blow dry it to ensure that the fur is dry and snow-free.
- Lastly, keep in mind that long-haired dog breeds like Huskies and St. Bernards can last longer outdoors than short-haired breeds, like pugs and dobermans. With that said, try to keep them outside only for a limited time.
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